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Query Devices

Query for devices in a number of ways using available filters.


GET/v1.0/admin/thingsGet list of all devices
GET/v1.0/admin/things/countGet count of all devices
GET/v1.0/admin/things/{thing_id}Get one device
GET/v1.0/admin/things/{thing_id}/latestGet latest readings
GET/v1.0/admin/things/{thing_id}/readingsGet device readings by Thing Id and time frame
GET/v1.0/admin/things/{hardware_id}/statusGet device by hardware Id
POST/v1.0/admin/thingsCreate a device
POST/v1.0/admin/things/{thing_id}/cmdSend a command to a device
PUT/v1.0/admin/things/{thing_id}Update a device
DELETE/v1.0/admin/things/{thing_id}Delete a device
PUT/v1.1/organizations/{organization_id}/applications/{application_id}/locations/{location_id}/things/moveMove devices to another location


The parameter {thing_id} is in UUID format, e.g. 6df450e0-91f0-11ed-9d8f-f9c593f1db51 not the hardware id. See how to get thing_id from hardware_id below.

Find all Devices

Query Parameters

pagequerynumberpage number starts from 0
statusquerynumber0 Activated 1 Deactivated
thing_typequerystringdevices or gateways

Response Body

countbodynumberTotal number of devices
limitbodynumberNumber of devices returned per page
pagebodynumberCurrent page of results
rowsbodyarrayArray of device objects

Device Object

idDevicenumberInternal Id
location_idDevicenumberLocation Id
company_idDevicenumberCompany Id
parent_idDevicenumberParent Id
cayenne_idDevicestringDevice Id
hardware_idDevicestringEUI or Hardware Id
sensor_use_idDevicenumberSensor Use Id
sensor_useDevicestringSensor Use String
sensor_typeDevicestringSensor Type
thing_nameDevicestringDevice Name
thing_typeDevicenumberDevice Template
marker_alertDevicestringMarker Alert
device_type_idDevicestringDevice Type/Template Id
user_idDevicestringUser Id
application_idDevicestringApplication Id
statusDevicenumber0 Activated 1 Deactivated
created_atDevicestringCreated At
updated_atDevicestringUpdated At

Get single device by Hardware id

Note we are passing hardware_id and status. If status parameter is not include, it will return previous deactivated devices as well. Here we use the id as thing_id in other requests.

curl --request GET --url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer MyAuthTokenHere' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'

Get devices for an User

Example call to query devices for a user (e.g. one of our two users pulled in the previous example). In this case we'll query against, user 99e86f3f-87f4-4d7e-9e87-529e16f27438:

alt text Note how we filter by a specific user_id.

curl --request GET --url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer MyAuthTokenHere' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'

Example Response ('s devices):

"count": 2,
"limit": 50,
"page": 0,
"rows": [
"id": "75722a70-711c-11e9-9fd4-e73c33d2d42c",
"sensor_type": null,
"created_at": "2019-05-07T23:04:25.000Z",
"sensor_use": null,
"thing_type": 0,
"thing_name": "Gateway",
"properties": "{\"codec\":\"lorawan.gateway.iotb\"}",
"company_id": 937,
"hardware_id": "eui-00001c497bb44...",
"device_type_id": "36c52526-e689-11e7-80c1-9a214cf093ce",
"application_id": "iot-solutions-canada",
"sensor_use_id": null,
"location_id": 890,
"id": 70006075,
"enabled": 1,
"status": 0,
"user_id": "99e86f3f-87f4-4d7e-9e87-529e16f27438",
"parent_id": null,
"updated_at": "2019-05-07T23:04:25.000Z",
"cayenne_id": "75722a70-711c-11e9-9fd4-e73c33d2d42c"
"id": "815f4c00-711c-11e9-9fd4-e73c33d2d42c",
"company_id": 937,
"hardware_id": "00137a1000000...",
"device_type_id": "121f6268-e52b-11e7-80c1-9a214cf093ae",
"sensor_type": "Open/Close",
"created_at": "2019-05-07T23:04:45.000Z",
"thing_type": 1,
"sensor_use": "Door",
"thing_name": "OCRPP",
"properties": "{}",
"application_id": "iot-solutions-canada",
"id": 70006076,
"enabled": 1,
"sensor_use_id": null,
"location_id": 890,
"cayenne_id": "815f4c00-711c-11e9-9fd4-e73c33d2d42c",
"updated_at": "2019-05-09T17:00:11.000Z",
"user_id": "99e86f3f-87f4-4d7e-9e87-529e16f27438",
"status": 1,
"parent_id": null

Get Latest Readings

GET - /v1.0/admin/things/{thing_id}/latest

This endpoint will return the latest device sensor readings. In order to properly parse the readings array, you must know the channel mapping for the device. This can be found by querying the /v1.0/things/types/{device_type_id} endpoint.

Example Response

"ts": 1701362627000,
"type": "value",
"channel": "100",
"name": "Voltage",
"thing_id": "1234567-a248-11ed-a734-c705cd0fd51c",
"event": "uplink",
"v": 4028
"ts": 1701362627000,
"type": "value",
"channel": "123",
"name": "Temp",
"thing_id": "1234567-a248-11ed-a734-c705cd0fd51c",
"event": "uplink",
"v": 4595
... // truncated

Get Device Readings

GET - /v1.0/admin/things/{thing_id}/readings

This endpoint will return device sensor readings by providing a start and end unix timestamp in milliseconds. The readings are returned in descending order by timestamp. In order to properly parse the readings array, you must know the channel mapping for the device. This can be found by querying the /v1.0/things/types/{device_type_id} endpoint. See the example below.

Query Parameters

start_tsquerynumberStart timestamp in milliseconds
end_tsquerynumberEnd timestamp in milliseconds
limitquerynumber(optional) Limit numner of returned readings
cursorquerystring(optional) String value to paginate readings
unitsquerystring(optional) String value for units

Response Body

count_tookbodynumberTime to process query
tookbodynumberTime to process query
transferbodynumbernumber of bytes transferred
unitsbodyarrayArray of sensor units
readingsbodyarrayArray of readings
timestampbodystringIf present, this value will be set to cursor to get next more readings

The readings array contains objects with the following properties:

tsbodynumberTimestamp of reading
correlation_idbodystringEvent correlation id of the device reading
sensorsbodyarrayActual readings are returned in this array { "v": 0, "channel": "10" }
"ts": 1687650221820,
"correlation_id": "24856f3a-404f-4b94-adab-72e8a5fc8db9",
"sensors": [
"v": 0,
"channel": "10"
"v": -64,
"channel": "100"
"v": 100,
"channel": "5"

Each object will contain an array of sensor values at the set interval. This indicate that at the given timestamp, the sensor values were as follows:

  • channel 10: 0
  • channel 100: -64
  • channel 5: 100

To get a channel mapping for a device, use the /v1.0/things/types/{device_type_id} endpoint.{device_type_id} The returned payload from this Device Types endpoint will contain a channels array describing the channel mapping for the device. For example:

"channels": [
"data": null,
"id": 70,
"name": "battery",
"datatype": "BATTERY",
"data_types_id": 11,
"channel": "5",
"ipso": null,
"order": 1,
"device_type_id": "121f6268-e52b-11e7-80c1-9a214cf093ae"
"data": null,
"id": 71,
"name": "motion",
"datatype": "INTRUSION",
"data_types_id": 39,
"channel": "10",
"ipso": null,
"order": 1,
"device_type_id": "121f6268-e52b-11e7-80c1-9a214cf093ae"
"data": null,
"id": 79,
"name": "signal",
"datatype": "RSSI",
"data_types_id": 8,
"channel": "100",
"ipso": null,
"order": 1,
"device_type_id": "121f6268-e52b-11e7-80c1-9a214cf093ae"

Putting it all together, we can see that the above example reading:


Entire Example Response

"count_took": 2,
"took": 70,
"transfer": 986,
"units": [
"sensor_id": "47b6a550-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"channel": "5",
"from": "p"
"sensor_id": "47b65730-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"channel": "10",
"from": "d"
"sensor_id": "47b67e40-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"channel": "100",
"from": "dbm"
"readings": [
"ts": 1687650221820,
"correlation_id": "24856f3a-404f-4b94-adab-72e8a5fc8db9",
"sensors": [
"v": 0,
"channel": "10"
"v": -64,
"channel": "100"
"v": 100,
"channel": "5"
"ts": 1687643022290,
"correlation_id": "8ea092b2-7320-448f-bce4-3f094ca16605",
"sensors": [
"v": 0,
"channel": "10"
"v": -66,
"channel": "100"
"v": 100,
"channel": "5"

Example Requeust

curl --request GET --url,p,dbm \
--header 'authorization: Bearer MyAuthTokenHere' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'

Create a Device

Create a Device

curl --request POST --url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer MyAuthTokenHere' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data \
"user_id": "0dfb9c58-5a0b-40eb-9e8c-36c0b1ff883b",
"application_id": "iotinabox",
"company_id": 464,
"location_id": 445,
"device": {
"hardware_id": "a130000000000ff",
"name": "thing_name_5",
"sensor_use": "use5",
"sensor_type": "Ethernet Gateway",
"device_category": "module",
"external_id": "my_external_id_4"

Example Response:

"id": 1405,
"location_id": 445,
"company_id": 464,
"parent_id": null,
"cayenne_id": "d3fd3d80-6446-11ec-a762-a52e6bb2c8ed",
"hardware_id": "a130000000000ff",
"sensor_use_id": null,
"sensor_use": "use6",
"sensor_type": "Ethernet Gateway",
"thing_name": "thing_name_5",
"thing_type": 1,
"marker_alert": "animate",
"properties": "{\"codec\":\"lorawan.gateway.iotb\",\"deveui\":\"a130000000000ff\",\"network\":\"iotinabox\",\"activation\":\"activated\",\"device_registry_id\":\"4b918ff0-641e-11ec-a762-a52e6bb2c8ed\",\"codec.vol_unit\":\"m3\",\"codec.prox_unit\":\"m\"}",
"device_type_id": "1e563f10-cc0d-11e8-9c69-e9c14d851ba4",
"enabled": 1,
"user_id": "0dfb9c58-5a0b-40eb-9e8c-36c0b1ff883b",
"application_id": "iotinabox",
"status": 0,
"created_at": "2021-12-23T23:19:53.000Z",
"updated_at": "2022-01-03T17:27:41.000Z",
"external_id": "my_external_id_4",
"createdAt": "2021-12-23T23:19:53.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-01-03T17:27:41.000Z"

Update Device

Update a Device

curl --request PUT --url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer MyAuthTokenHere' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data \
"user_id": "0dfb9c58-5a0b-40eb-9e8c-36c0b1ff883b",
"application_id": "iotinabox",
"sensor_use": "use6",
"name": "thing_name_6",
"external_id": "my_external_id_5",
"company_id": 464,
"location_id": 445

Example Response:

"id": 1405,
"location_id": 445,
"company_id": 464,
"parent_id": null,
"cayenne_id": "d3fd3d80-6446-11ec-a762-a52e6bb2c8ed",
"hardware_id": "a130000000000ff",
"sensor_use_id": null,
"sensor_use": "use6",
"sensor_type": "Ethernet Gateway",
"thing_name": "thing_name_6",
"thing_type": 1,
"marker_alert": "animate",
"properties": "{\"codec\":\"lorawan.gateway.iotb\",\"deveui\":\"a130000000000ff\",\"network\":\"iotinabox\",\"activation\":\"activated\",\"device_registry_id\":\"4b918ff0-641e-11ec-a762-a52e6bb2c8ed\",\"codec.vol_unit\":\"m3\",\"codec.prox_unit\":\"m\"}",
"device_type_id": "1e563f10-cc0d-11e8-9c69-e9c14d851ba4",
"enabled": 1,
"user_id": "0dfb9c58-5a0b-40eb-9e8c-36c0b1ff883b",
"application_id": "iotinabox",
"status": 0,
"created_at": "2021-12-23T23:19:53.000Z",
"updated_at": "2022-01-03T17:27:41.000Z",
"external_id": "my_external_id_5",
"createdAt": "2021-12-23T23:19:53.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-01-03T17:27:41.000Z"

Remove Device

Delete a Device

curl --request DELETE --url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer MyAuthTokenHere' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data \
"user_id": "0dfb9c58-5a0b-40eb-9e8c-36c0b1ff883b"

Example Response:

"success": true

Get Device by External Id

Get a Device by External Id

curl -- request GET \
-- url \
-- header 'Authorization: Bearer YourAuthToken' \
-- header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Send Device Command

Send Device Commands

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer >>your token here<<' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"channel": "57",
"value": 1

In the above example the channel must be one of the device capabilities found under device templates. The value depends on the type of capability. Here we have a stop alert downlink and the value must be equal to 1.

Get device information

GET - /v1.0/admin/things/{thing_id}

This request returns the information about a device. Optionally, the include query parameter can be used to include the alert field, the readings and the sensor details, i.e., ?include=alert,state,sensors.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
--url,state,sensors \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer >>your token here<<' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response

  "id": 70170389,
"location_id": 6648,
"company_id": 4130,
"parent_id": null,
"cayenne_id": "4793db10-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"hardware_id": "00137a1000000f1f",
"sensor_use_id": null,
"sensor_use": "Door",
"sensor_type": "Open/Close",
"thing_name": "Door2",
"thing_type": 1,
"marker_alert": "animate",
"properties": "{\"codec\":\"lorawan.netvox.door\",\"deveui\":\"00137a1000000f1f\",\"network\":\"iotinabox\",\"activation\":\"activated\",\"device_registry_id\":\"98f0d298-8092-11e8-85a1-3fab6fd5f783\",\"marker_type\":\"pin\",\"marker_style\":\"style1\",\"marker_channels\":[],\"codec.vol_unit\":\"m3\",\"codec.prox_unit\":\"m\",\"url\":\"\",\"use_url\":true,\"public\":true,\"dashboard_url\":\"\"}",
"device_type_id": "121f6268-e52b-11e7-80c1-9a214cf093ae",
"enabled": 1,
"user_id": "5a86666b-3af2-47ac-9a4e-ac5965d24bdf",
"application_id": "iotinabox",
"status": 0,
"created_at": "2023-03-31T00:02:09.000Z",
"updated_at": "2023-10-05T17:35:47.000Z",
"external_id": null,
"createdAt": "2023-03-31T00:02:09.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-10-05T17:35:47.000Z",
"alert": 0,
"state": [
"thing_id": "4793db10-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"sensors": [
"ts": 1713454182740,
"type": "batt",
"channel": "5",
"sensor_id": "47b6a550-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"name": "Battery",
"thing_id": "4793db10-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"cached": true,
"event": "uplink",
"v": 100,
"unit": "p"
"ts": 1713454182740,
"type": "digital_sensor",
"channel": "10",
"sensor_id": "47b65730-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"name": "Contact Switch",
"thing_id": "4793db10-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"cached": true,
"event": "uplink",
"v": 0,
"unit": "d"
"ts": 1713454182740,
"type": "rssi",
"channel": "100",
"sensor_id": "47b67e40-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"name": "RSSI",
"thing_id": "4793db10-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"cached": true,
"event": "uplink",
"v": -73,
"unit": "dbm"
"ts": 1713454182740,
"type": "snr",
"channel": "101",
"name": "SNR",
"thing_id": "4793db10-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"cached": true,
"event": "uplink",
"v": 11.8
"sensors": [
"enabled": 1,
"sensor_id": "47b65730-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"properties": {
"channel": 10
"enabled": 1,
"sensor_id": "47b6a550-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"properties": {
"channel": 5
"enabled": 1,
"sensor_id": "47b67e40-cf57-11ed-aaaa-292d59ac7b6c",
"properties": {
"channel": 100

Move devices to another location

Example Request

curl --request PUT
--header 'authorization: Bearer YourAuthToken'
--data '{"to_location_id": 10116, "device_ids": ["74258810-8562-11ee-9e77-c5a9b0faa4fc","11121090-c531-11ee-a181-29008449e9a8"]}'

Example Response

"success": true